The Science Behind the Design
Ever wondered why we like pretty things? Why do our brains respond in a certain way to different design styles? With a dual background in science and design, I’m here to give you all the details! Color Phycology impacts us in so many ways. From our interior preferences to the foods we eat, color affects our behavior, mood, and brain activity.
Whether you’re studying for an exam, designing your office, or planning your next meal, I want you to know how specific colors can affect your everyday life. I wore the same pair of hot pink yoga pants for every board exam in my doctorate program. Why? Because bright colors have shown to improve memory, focus and cognitive ability…because I’m slightly superstitious…because I passed my first exam. And because I was in wayyy better shape in my 20s and had the foresight that I’d be donating the hot pink yoga pants after I had children.
Invite color into your life. Do you know your favorite already? If not, go to your closet. Is there a clear favorite? Do you like earthy tones or vibrant colors? Light or dark colors? Is there a lack of color? My grandmother was the classiest lady, and her closet did not disappoint. It consisted of all black clothing and hundreds of blue Stuart Weitzman boxes. She believed in a pop of color…lipstick color that is. “Darling, Wouldn’t you feel better with a little lipstick?” Blue Stuart Weitzman boxes and red lipstick bring back the memory of my grandmother. What are some similar memories that you have?
Let’s talk about the specifics of color….
Red - The color red is psychologically very impactful. Red is used in marketing to attract attention. Red increases neurological activity, increasing excitement. While I can’t imagine, personally, painting any walls in my home red, I love to accessorize with it. My favorite New Your Times cookbook is a beautiful shade of bright red. While serving a useful purpose on my kitchen counter, I also love the aesthetic touch it adds to my kitchen decor. A bland bowl of oatmeal becomes instantly more appealing with fresh strawberries atop. The perfect black suit becomes some much more livened with the perfect shade of red lipstick.
Orange - While you’ll find no site of orange in my closet (Go Dawgs!), orange is one of my favorite colors to add home accent. I feel so much more energized just looking at my beautiful Little Book of Hermes!
Yellow - What a wonderful color. Yellow stimulates the release of serotonin, our neurotransmitter that boosts happiness. Our Colquitt family has a Meyer lemon tree that produces hundreds of Meyer lemons each year. I look forward to hearing that the lemon crop is ripe and ready in the late fall. There is no kitchen accessory more beautiful than a bowl of beautiful fresh lemons…not to mention the limoncello we make each Christmas season. Let me know if you’d like our recipe! I’m a sharer!
Pink - Perhaps my most favorite of all. Pink creates a sense of calm, eradicates stress and decreases aggression. The upcoming “Barbie” movie created an exciting buzz for this exquisite color. In an interview with Architectural Digest, Sarah Greenwood stated, “The world ran out of pink.” In light of this global paint shortage, I don’t want to know a world without pink! Pink champagne, pink tulips, pink lipstick, pink Manolos…this list goes on of my latest obsession with all things pink. What more fitting that my hot pink Alexia Maria gown at my dear sister’s wedding?
Blue - Looking for a good excuse to invest in that blue wallpaper you’ve been eying? It could be good for your health!!! Studies show that light blue has a calming effect, decreases blood pressure and increases concentration. That’s reason enough to schedule that install!
Purple - Purple speaks to luxury, serenity, elegance and calmness. I love to use lavender in a primary suite. Sister Parish has perfected the lavender prints. I can think of nothing more dreamy that their hand-printed lavender wallpaper. I’m also newly obsessed with a lavender latte. If you haven’t had one, it’s a must!
Green - Perhaps my favorite of all colors to incorporate in my decor, green gives any design scheme a sense of refreshment. Looking to brighten any space? Go to your local plant nursery or even grocery store and grab a homey source of fresh cheer. A cute little love fern will do! Don’t forget to water! I small house plant sitting next to your sink is sure to make you smile. Sadly, I do not have a green thumb. We have many plant casualties at our house, so I can speak volumes to the value of a high quality silk plant. Prayers for our new herb garden!
I encourage you to incorporate color into your interior design. To quote Carlos Mota, “Beige is not a color.” Can’t wait to see how you incorporate color into your space!
Happy designing!
Dedicated to Anne Gainer, better know as GranAnne. To the classiest, kindest, most. beautiful soul. Thank you for being my “something blue.” I love you the most.